AGB Focus Group – Feedback Please

County will be represented at a Focus Group meeting with AGB on 1st February. Please review the information below outlining AGB’s plan for the meeting, if you have any thoughts or comments as an individual or as a Club Officer please email Tracey Leverett at


The focus groups will be looking into two areas of membership:

  • The ‘customer journey’ for new and renewing members, along with the various membership touch points for clubs throughout the process

  • The collection of Archery GB, County and Region fees

We will review the whole customer membership journey – from new club members to annual renewing members, direct and affiliated members. This will help us better understand the stages that could be made easier. How could the process be made more efficient?

We are piloting the option for AGB to collect County and Region fees, as we already do in Northern Ireland. The pilot will answer questions such as: What are the practicalities of this for all stakeholders; members, clubs, Counties and Regions? Where does it work and not work?

Next County Meeting – Monday 20 January ONLINE

The next County Meeting will be at 7pm on Monday 20 January. The meeting will ONLINE.

Use this link to join the meeting:

Or open your teams app and use

Meeting ID: 393 533 092 614

Passcode: fu7Mn6Xf


Documents for the meeting:


draft Finance Policy

draft Expenses Policy

AGB online and social media policy

County Trophy Recall

If you have a County Trophy, this is a call to action. There are many county trophies out there that will be needed soon for 2025 County Championships – indoors, outdoors, metric, imperial, male, female, junior, team and for all bowstyles. Please take a photo of the trophy and email it to:, someone will then reach out to arrange the return of the trophy.
Thank you!

Taking up Archery?

If you’re looking to take up archery in 2025, good choice!
First start with the Archery GB Club Finder (link below) – plug in your postcode and travel distance and it returns affiliated clubs in your local area.

Then contact the club(s) to see what they can offer for either one-off Have-a-Go sessions and / or longer Beginners Courses where you can learn the basics of archery in a safe and friendly setting.

Please bear with us though – our clubs are run entirely by volunteers who are hopefully enjoying some well-earned downtime at the start of the new year.
Archery GB is the National Governing Body for the sport of Archery in the UK.