Exec Summary update

February 2018

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the January 2018 minutes were approved.

There are still a few clubs who have not forwarded their constitutions.  These should be forwarded as a matter of urgency to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

A sub-committee has been formed to (initially) reformat the Tyne –v- Tees Shoot in September.  A document showing an idea of the proposed format has been circulated to club secretaries with the minutes. They are to discuss this with the novices/intermediate archers in their clubs.

The DNAA Candidate Judge seminar was held in the middle of February.  We are pleased to announce that all five candidates who sat the exam all passed.  We hope to have a few more qualified county judges soon.

The 50th DNAA Indoor County Champs is filling up fast.  The afternoon session is nearly full and the morning session still has a few places.

The organisers of the field shoot are looking into bespoke medals for all of the County Shoots.  We will keep you updated but would like to thank them for all their hard work.

The constitution is to be amended at the AGM if you are interested in finding out what the proposed changes are, please speak to your club secretary.

Changes to the Data Protection Act may affect your club and the information that is held, please check out the Information Commissioners website for further information.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 26 March 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.