The DNAA AGM is to be held at Park View Community Association, Church Chare, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, DH3 3QA at 7pm on Monday 21 May 2018. All members of DNAA are invited to attend.

Should you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for one of the committee posts, please contact by 14 May 2018.

The positions are :-

Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Records Officer, Membership Secretary, Coaching Organiser (Coaches only), Single Point of Contact (Judges only), Webmaster, Senior Team Manager, Junior Team Manager and Safeguarding Officers.

The Archery GB AGM is to be held in Birmingham on 21 April 2018. All clubs are asked to make their votes by paper ballot if a representative is not attending in person. However, should you wish one of the committee members who are attending the AGM to vote on your behalf, or give them your proxy, please have your club secretary contact and the name and AGB number of one of the committee will be provided to complete your form. Don’t forget that the paperwork needs to be returned to Archery GB before 2pm on 19 April.