National County Team Championships

Its time to open the entries for the National County Team Championships to be held in Lilleshall on 29/30 June 2019. A team will be 3 archers per discipline, in Men’s & Women’s, Recurve, Compound, Longbow & Barebow

Saturday 29 June 2019 – WRS WA 50/70m round will be shot in a double detail with six arrows shot in four minutes. On completion of the ranking round, team head to heads follow. Matches will be shot to current WA rules.

Sunday 30 June 2019 – WA 1440 round will be shot in a double detail with six arrows shot in four minutes all throughout the day. Compounds and Recurves will shoot on individual six zone 80cm faces at 50 and 30m. Longbows will shoot on a full single 80cm face at both 50m and 30m.

Please refer to the DNAA Constitution Appendix F for the team selection criteria. As there are not three events within the county to obtain qualifying scores, for this event only, we are accepting submission of one qualifying round from the 2018 outdoor season (as a tie break should it be required). Incorrect rounds (ie double WA720) or submissions made without the link to the results from event will not be accepted unless the event is recent and results have not been published. Archers are reminded not submit scores if you are unable to attend the event.

The closing date for entries will be 9 pm on 26 May 2019. The Committee will meet the earliest convenient date to select the team and notification will be posted as soon as possible thereafter.

Good Luck Archers.


the DNAA Committee

County Team Selection