We have received a few e-mails regarding fees.
For information fees can be found in Appendix A  of the constitution.  An amended version, for approval at the AGM on Thursday 7 October was sent to all club secretaries (the e-mail address registered with DNAA) on 5 September 2021 at 5:52 pm contains the information requested.  As we have not held an AGM where the fees have changed, they remain the same:
Appendix “A”
A.1. D.N.A.A. fees with effect from: 01.10.17.
A.1.1. HONORARY: £ Nil
A.1.2. DIRECT: £3.50
A.1.3. ASSOCIATE: £3.50
A.1.4. JUNIOR: no charge
A.1.5. UNIVERSITY CLUBS: £30.00/club
A.1.6. JUNIOR & SCHOOL CLUBS: no charge.