Riverside Frostbite Shot

Entry form here

From the organisers:

Good morning archers

We trust you are all well.

Please find attached the entry form for our Frostbite shoot to be held on Monday 27th December. Our apologies for the short notice, however we have waiting for confirmation from the school that we are able get access to run the Frostbite this year, which we only received late this week.

All the information regarding the shoot is on the entry form, however in light of recent information regarding Covid regulations we urge you to be cautious and wear a face covering when in indoor places, which are crowded and enclosed, and where they may come into contact with people they do not normally meet.

We appreciate that there is not a lot of time before entries close and as entries are limited, we request that if you wish to shoot you return entries as soon as possible. Due to the proximity of Christmas entries cannot be accepted after the closing date.

We look forward to seeing you there

Kindest regards

Ian & Ann