Flight Workshop by Riverside – update

The Flight Workshop at Riverside on Sunday 27th March, previously notified here,  was a great success.  Attended by more than 30 Archers & coaches,  the feedback was tremendous with many Archers & coaches saying they were happy to be taking what they had learned back to their clubs.
Since then there have also been comments that others would like to have attended if they could – one of the problems being that it was Mother’s  Day, so they didn’t  dare!!  –  Quite right !
This has prompted us to consider running a second & similar workshop in the future,  if the demand is there. Additionally there is the possibility of perhaps having a follow-up for those who are interested in looking  further into the subject to learn more before competing.
In order to make a decision on these suggestions it would be appreciated if anyone who is interested in participating, if the events are organised, please contact us at:-
We can then make our decision.