Introducing our County Secretary (and Judges Single Point of Contact)

Hello, my name is Sharon Tideswell and I have been an archer for about 14 years. During that time I have volunteered in a number of roles to include being a former Club Secretary, Tournament Organiser, a Judge, County Secretary, SPoC (Single point of contact for the Counties Judges) and latterly as Judge Liaison Officer at Regional level which also incorporates being a member of the Judges Working Group within Archery GB.

I was once a very competitive archer and still occasionally shoot though not as often as I should. I started out as a recurve archer and following a car accident, I thought I would never shoot again, until I found a wrist release I could operate and bought my first compound bow.

I now spend more time judging than shooting at different events. As well as Target, I like to judge Clout and Flight archery. My passion is Flight and I think that every archer no matter where they are in their archery journey should try a Flight shoot at least once in their lifetime.

I get a real buzz helping others to be able to compete in archery and develop their skills.

As SPoC I am available to all Tournament Organisers to assist in finding DNAA Judges for events if required and have regular contact with the SPoCs from surrounding counties if the DNAA Judges are unavailable to officiate. I assist with mentoring and training of our Judges to ensure that competitions can run and are enjoyable for all competitors, whilst maintaining the rules of shooting. If you are interested in judging just speak to me and I can answer any questions you may have.

I was part of a small team who introduced the Lambton Worm awards which are available to all DNAA archers. The aim of the award is to reward achievements of an archer’s progress at competition, until they are eligible for the Rose or FITA Star awards at a record status competition. Please visit the DNAA website for more information on the awards.

If you see me out and about, (I am usually dressed in a green polo shirt with the word Judge on the back) please do come and introduce yourself, have a chat or ask me questions as I am always happy to help.

I look forward to meeting you all.
