Hi, my name is Andrea Wilson and I have been an archer with Killingworth Archers for the last 28 years. I mainly shoot Compound; but I also shoot Recurve and Longbow where I have fortunately been able to shoot for the county with all bowstyles over the years. I have competed in target & clout! Unfortunately, due to injury I have not managed to shoot in any open tournaments for a while and now take on more of an administrative role, but my aim is to get back on the shooting line with you all!
I have been your county records officer since 2008 where I have managed to compile the Roll of Honours for DNAA from 1950 to present date and continued to update the county records on the DNAA website and to send out certificates to those who manage to shoot a new record.
Whilst checking the county records I also request records for our DNAA Juniors who have broken records at records status tournaments which are then updated on the NCAS website. So please remember to send any results sheets from the tournaments you shoot outside of the county to me so they can be checked for County & Regional records.
Hopefully I will see you all on the shooting line soon!
Andrea Wilson, DNAA County Records Officer