Author: Sharon Tideswell

Heugh Amalgamation Shoot

We have been advised by the organisers that rumors have been passed round that this shoot is no longer going ahead. We are pleased to announce that this shoot is still being held on 3 June. It is a great shoot for novices and intermediate archers. The entry form can be found under the events…

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DCA WA720 and Head to Head

It is with regret that DCA have to advise that the event on 15 April is to be postponed due to a waterlogged field. They have an opening for Sunday 20 May and plan to move it to this weekend pending approval from Archery GB. All entrants will be contacted once they are in receipt…

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The DNAA AGM is to be held at Park View Community Association, Church Chare, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, DH3 3QA at 7pm on Monday 21 May 2018. All members of DNAA are invited to attend. Should you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for one of the committee posts, please contact by 14 May…

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AGB competition Seminars

A huge THANK YOU to Killingworth on a successful day at the 50th DNAA indoor championships. Jon and Katy from Archery GB called in to give an update on the competition review/National Ranking Pilot that has been taking place over the last few months. Thank you to those who stayed to listen and for the…

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Competition Sub-Committee

As you may or may not be aware via your club secretaries.  DNAA are looking to put a competition sub-committee together and we are looking for volunteers to primarily discuss the format of the Tyne Tees and how we can take this competition forward. If you are an intermediate/novice archer who has not yet decided…

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Team Selection for the 5 Counties

Junior Submissions Senior submissions The committee would like to congratulate the DNAA County Team  who will be attending the event being hosted by DNAA at Norton Archers on 30 September 2017 (Juniors) and 1 October 2017 (Seniors). The Junior Team will consist of:- Dillon Crow  and Tony Tatum, Junior Gents Compound; Cameron Taylor-Thorn and Charney…

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Team Selection

The Committee met tonight to select the team.  We thank you for putting in your scores, however in order to field a full team we would like to re-open entries (via e-mail to for Junior Gent Longbow and Senior Gent Longbow ONLY until Friday evening. The team remaining Junior and Senior Team have been selected…

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