Category: Coaching

Session Coaches Presentation Day

Following months of hard work, Session Coaches from DNAA (6) and Cumbria (1) attended their Presentation day at Riverside Archery Club on Saturday 10th August. Coach Developer, Ian Norwood, was very pleased to see how all 7 coaches had engaged with the course and was extremely happy to let them know how much of a…

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County Indoor Champs 2024 – Results

The results of the 2024 County Indoor Champs are now available here Huge congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who took part in the shoot. Thanks of course to St Giles for resolving the venue issue and to Killingworth Archers for organisation.    

Junior Coaching Days

I’m pleased to let you know that we have finally been able to organise a couple of coaching days for juniors. These will be held at Durham City Archers’ venue, Framwellgate School, Framwellgate Moor, Durham DH1 5BQ. The dates arranged so far are Sunday 19th November and 10th December 2023, further dates to be announced.…

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Senior Coaching Day

On Saturday 4th February 26 archers and 13 coaches came together for a day of coaching and development. Archers were able to receive 1:1 coaching to improve their technique, with some having specific things they wanted to work on. There were also a number of workshops available throughout the day. A paper turning frame was…

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Congratulations to New County Session Coaches!

The County Coach Officer would like to send his congratulations to the county’s new Session Coaches. Over the weekend 7th-8th January four DNAA coach candidates were joined by five other candidates from around the country for assessment of their coach training course. The candidates were put through their paces to demonstrate their coaching skills to…

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