Category: News

Session Coaches Presentation Day

Following months of hard work, Session Coaches from DNAA (6) and Cumbria (1) attended their Presentation day at Riverside Archery Club on Saturday 10th August. Coach Developer, Ian Norwood, was very pleased to see how all 7 coaches had engaged with the course and was extremely happy to let them know how much of a…

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Start Archery Week 2024

DNAA clubs held gave-a-go events across the county for Start Archery Week, with a wide range of participants of all ages and from all walks of life. Families, individuals, work buddies and club groups learned about the events through posters, social media and word of mouth and jumped at the chance to embrace their inner…

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Thank you Sharon Tideswell

An emotional moment at the recent AGM as Sharon Tidewell stood down as County Secretary after a decade. County President Kath Hall presented Sharon with a plaque to thank her for her loyal service. Thank you Sharon!

Chris Gill

It is with a heavy heart that I write to tell you of the passing of Chris Gill on 3rd February. Chris and his father Richard helped found Cramlington Archers  – the straw boss was donated by him and allowed us to run our early beginners courses. I knew Chris from his earliest days as…

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DNAA grab some chunky bling at Kendal Westerns

Half a dozen longbow gentlemen and ladies of DNAA, travelled to Kendal Bowmen on Sunday 19th to shoot a Western round. Congratulations to Chris and Helen on their place and highest number of hits. And to Trevor and Paul for their win and highest number of hits. The archers recieved a warm friendly welcome from…

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First Aid

On 4th and 11th March 21 archers, mostly coaches, undertook an Emergency First Aid course organised by our County Coach Organiser. When the rules and safety measures are followed archery is a very safe sport but you can never tell when someone needs emergency assistance. Some of the skills practiced were CPR, cuts, breaks, shock…

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Ian Telfer – Heugh Bowmen

Sad news from Heugh Bowmen It is with sadness I inform you our Club President Mr Ian Telfer at the age of 85 has sadly passed away peacefully in his sleep this afternoon. Having gave some 45 years as an Archer and Committee Member (41 of which was the Club Treasurer) I thought I should…

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Congratulations to New County Session Coaches!

The County Coach Officer would like to send his congratulations to the county’s new Session Coaches. Over the weekend 7th-8th January four DNAA coach candidates were joined by five other candidates from around the country for assessment of their coach training course. The candidates were put through their paces to demonstrate their coaching skills to…

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