Even more dates for your diaries! DNAA County Novice Indoors and County Target Champs hosted by Whitburn Archers
Even more dates for your diaries! DNAA County Novice Indoors and County Target Champs hosted by Whitburn Archers
The google entry forms are now available for: Moline “Soup” Shoot Westerns
More dates for your diaries – tournaments hosted by Killingworth Archers
The 51st DNAA Clout Championship takes place on Sunday 14 September hosted by Green Lane Archers Click here for the entry form (now updated to include 50+)
Green Lane Archers host the 40th DNAA FITA STARS & WRS Tournament on the bank holiday weekend in August. This is always a popular shoot, get your entries in – form here
Cleadon Archers have published the tournaments they’re hosting this year, head to their tournaments page for all the details!
We are very pleased to announce details for this year’s Riverside Frostbite. Please note that unlike in previous years this will be held on the Sunday following Christmas rather than the Saturday. We hope to see you there! Entry form here
The senior team put in a good days work at the NCAS Intercounties tournament in Penrith on the 6th October shotting York & Hereford rounds. Cold but mostly clear, it was a tough competition with very strong teams from Lancashire and Yorkshire who carried off the majority of the silverware and Lancashire coming out as…
Well done to all our Juniors shooting in the NCAS Intercounties shoot in windy Penrith yesterday. Tricky conditions but all managed well. Congrats to Stefan Klemm 1st place junior boys Bristol 4 (barebow) and Rachel Chan 2nd place junior girl Bristol 3 (recurve) We’re very proud of you all!!
What better way to celebrate the 50th County Clout Champs than with more than 50 archers on the shooting line, many of them at their first clout competition and also several welcome visitors from afar. Congrats to all the winners, thanks to everyone who supported the shoot and of course to Green Lane Archers for…