Exec Summary

November 2019   

Park View Community Association

A minutes silence was held to honor Armistice Day and also Simon Scott (Norton) a County Archer who was prominent on the competition scene for some years.

The September minutes were read and approved.

If anyone is interested in becoming a candidate judge, please contact secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

Discussions were held over the team shirts and following lengthy discussions it was decided that we will continue with the current sponsor who will provide free shirts to the County Team.

Discussions on the inclusion of barebows at the NCAS Inter County Event in October is ongoing and options were discussed at length to take to the next NCAS meeting.

Options for funding County Team members is ongoing and a sub-committee is to be put in place for discussions at the next meeting in January.  Options to raise money include raising county fees; raffles; increasing competition fees.  If you wish to be part of the sub-committee please put your name forward to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com as soon as possible.  Our thanks were given to Ann Conifey for the hard work put into this to date.

A trial to fund the team will start at the Indoor Champs.  £1 will be added to each entry and the names will be entered into a draw for a prize to be awarded on the day.  The money will go towards the County Team expenses.

A member of DNAA has kindly donated trophies for the DNAA Indoor Championships for Junior Longbow and Barebow categories.   Caitlin Leverett was thanked for her generosity on behalf of the County.



Next meeting will be held on 20 January 2020 at the Park View Community Association at 7.30 pm.