Historic Exec Summary

September 2019    

Park View Community Association

A minutes silence was held to honor Helen George a stalwart, friend, coach and mentor to many of the archers.

Team shirts.  The Team Managers will be speaking to the teams/parents at the next team event to obtain their views on the sponsorship of free shirts or whether they wish to change to bespoke shirts at a cost to the archers.  If team members require details supplied by the manufacturer on removal of stains, please contact your club secretary as the details are contained in the minutes.

Two of our county archers are to be awarded grants for shooting internationally.

A discussion will take place at the next county meeting on ways to fund the team expenses going forward at the events to be held at Lilleshall and the Five Counties.  Any ideas would be greatly accepted.  Please forward an outline to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

Cleadon have dedicate their field as “The Brian Trotter Field”.

New contact e-mail addresses have been added to the website.

Entries for the postal league are now open, rules have been sent to all club secretaries and entries are rolling in.


Next meeting will be held on 11 November 2019 at the Park View Community Association at 7.30 pm.

July 2019         

Park View Community Association

Minutes from the previous AGM were presented and approved as amended.

Although we wish to encourage archers competing we would like clubs to educate their archers on competing.  When entering rules are mentioned on entry forms but archers aren’t reading them, in particular dress regulations.  Lost arrows are sometimes part of a tournament, however it is not the judges or tournament organisers responsibility to look for the arrows, they will assist but do not expect archers to disappear and expect them to find it.

The team were thanked and congratulated for their achievements at the County Team Tournament at Lilleshall.  The team brought home a Ladies Compound Gold, a Gents Barebow Silver and a Ladies Longbow Bronze.  It as noted that submission for team selection were very low and members were co-opted to make up teams that did not have enough submissions in order to field a team at the event.

Entry forms are available for the Longbow Championships, the Field Shoot, the Novice Champs, the trial of the Barebow Champs and the NCAS Fita Stars.

The County Website is to undergo a revamp.  If you have any suggestions comments or feedback please use the contact page.

Riverside advised that they are undertaking a raffle to assist one of their Archers who has been selected to shoot for GB at an upcoming event in Canada.  They have had some “really good” raffle prizes donated and the cost of the tickets are £5.  If anyone is interested in purchasing tickets please contact Ian Norwood.

Expenses, particularly those for the County Team will be discussed at the next meeting.

Clubs are advised that AGB are now registering beginners courses taster sessions etc through Sport 80.

Next meeting will be held on 9 September 2019 at the Park View Community Association at 7.30 pm.

May 2019

37 members of the society represented 14 clubs at the AGM.

Minutes from the previous AGM were presented and approved as amended.

A question was raised relating to the supply of Lambton Worms that had been purchased and whether they would last for more than one year.

Election of Officers

  • President – Bill Lee was elected unopposed in for his final term.
  • Chairman – David Harrison – elected unopposed.
  • Secretary – Sharon Tideswell –elected unopposed.
  • Treasurer – Charles Hall and Yannis Smirnis were both nominated – after a vote Charles Hall was elected as Treasurer.
  • Records Officer – elected unopposed.
  • Coaching Organiser – Ian Norwood –elected unopposed.
  • Auditors – Len and Mary Rathbone – are to be asked if they are happy to remain as auditors for 2019/20.

The level of fees are proposed to remain the same.  However due to deficits and lack of payment for some fees this will be reviewed in 2020.

Postal League Awards

Longbow – Trophy awarded to Riverside Archers

Trophies for recurve and compound leagues will be awarded at a later date. The provisional results of the recurve league are:

Division 1 – Trophy awarded to Berwick; Division 2 – Trophy awarded to Killingworth (Stockton and Heugh also scored 6 points but Killingworth were awarded based on scores)

Division 3 – Trophy awarded to Norton; Individual Ladies –  Trophy awarded to Briony Pitman of Northumbria University; and Individual Gents – Trophy awarded to Alex Wise of Northumbria Uni.

Compound – Trophy.  The shoot off between league A and league B did not take place.  Cleadon (league A) having shot 4 matches and DCA (league B) shooting 5 matches.  It was decided to average match score to decide the winner.  Cleadon are the winners of the Compound Trophy.


Additional Posts committee positions were voted on:

  • Membership Secretary – elected unopposed.
  • Webmaster – Elaine Jobson (Morpeth) nominated – elected unopposed.
  • Safeguarding Officers – Steve Richardson and Yannis Smirnis. Elected unopposed.
  • Team Manager – Dave Crow nominated for Junior Team manager – elected unopposed.
  • No nominations received for Senior Team Manager. The post remains vacant.
  • NCAS representatives – Andrea Wilson, Dave Crow, the third position remained unfilled.
  • SPOC – The committee were advised that whilst the JLO was a DNAA judge, the position should be filled by the JLO in order to keep administration of the role to a minimum.


Minutes from the May meetings were presented. The minutes were approved.

 It was advised that The DNAA Outdoor County Champs would not be record status this year due to an administration error.  The event will be awarded as normal.

Clubs are advised that AGB are now registering beginners courses taster sessions etc through Sport 80.


Next meeting will be held on 8 July 2019 at the Park View Community Association at 7.30 pm.

February 2019

A quorum was not present.  The meeting took place although all decisions have been held over to the March meeting.

The minutes of the January meeting were presented and approved.

The committee were advised that according to Sport 80 there are 117 AGB members in the county who have yet to affiliate to County and Region.

An update was given relating to the new Barebow Championships to be held at Norton in September.  The proposed round is to be put forward as a motion at the WA Congress in June.  Until this is passed, judges are to treat the round as they would a WA 720.

DCA has a new club secretary.

Cleadon’s secretary has resigned.

Any bare bow archers wanting to share tips to shoot longer distances or wanting to learn technique, please contact the Coaching Coordinator or Mark Robertson to arrange a place at Riverside on 31 March.

An open coaching session for club archers is also to be held at Riverside on 6 April.  Places are limited.  Please contact the Coaching Coordinator at  DNAACoaching@gmail.com.


Archers competing outside of county are asked to send copies of the results to the Records Officer even if they are not claiming any records.


The NCAS AGM is being held at Weatherby and District Social Club on 16 March 2019.  All DNAA members are entitled to attend and will be welcomed.


The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 25 March  2019.  commencing at 7.30 pm.

January 2019

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the November 2018 minutes were approved.

We have found clubs to host two of the Competitions that nearly didn’t make it to the calendar this year.  Thanks to Heugh for taking on the Jolly Rodgers in September and to Green Lane for taking on the NCAS FITA Stars in August.

Postal League.  It has been noted that changes have been made to the formatting of the Postal League.  A report is to be presented at the next meeting by Anthony Tate.

There are still fees for County and Region awaited.

Discussions continue with Yorkshire and Cumbria to incorporate a new Team Competition,  Watch out for updates in future minutes.

Inclusion of a Bare Bow team to the Mid Summer Tournament has been approved, team selection will be based on the same criteria as with all other bow styles..

The DNAA Field Shoot in August is the 25th  DNAA field event and will once again incorporate the NCAS Field Shoot.  The event will close with a novelty shoot.

Entries are out for the Indoor County Champs.

A separate event has been agreed for the Bare Bow Championships.  Further information will follow.

We look forward to seeing you at the County events.

If you are interested in taking on one of the committee positions, at the AGM, nominations can be sent to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.  Please feel free to use this e-mail address to ask any questions in relation to the roles should you be interested.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 25 February  2019.  commencing at 7.30 pm.

November 2018

Park View Community Association

Attendance at the meeting was low and very close to the meeting being called off due to lack of attendance.

Minutes of the September 2018 minutes were approved.

The former Tyne Tees competition is to be renamed “The Jolly Rodgers Club Team Challenge”.  This is to be discussed at the next meeting if anyone would like any further information or would like to assist in the running of this historical competition, please do not hesitate to contact the DNAA Secretary who will pass on the information to Karen Relton (Heugh).

Memberships.  It was reported that we still have quite a few clubs who have failed to pay fees for their archers, have sent in the incorrect paperwork, incorrect fees etc.  Secretaries are reminded that paperwork has been provided on the DNAA website along with the procedure to follow to get the right information to the right people before the information is collated and forwarded on to Region.  The forms have been produced to make the task as simple as possible for Club Secretaries and the DNAA Treasurer/Membership Secretary.  The “mistakes” cause a lot of additional replication of work for our volunteers.  Universities are reminded that when new archers arrive at the club and AGB fees are paid, the names still need to be forwarded on to the Membership Secretary.

Recuve Postal League.  It has been noted that changes have been made to the formatting of the Postal League.  A report is to be presented at the next meeting by Anthony Tate.

The committee would like to congratulate all DNAA archers who were at the NCAS shoot in Cumbria in October.  They had challenging and changeable weather but all shot to the best of their abilities and we congratulate you on your achievements.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 14 January 2019.  commencing at 7.30 pm.

September 2018

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the July 2018 minutes were approved.

Constitutions.  Clubs are reminded that should their constitution change at their AGM updated versions should be sent.

“The Lambton Worm”.  This has proved popular so far but will come to a stand still over the winter season.  Claims are still being taken for the 2018 outdoor season.

The former Tyne Tees competition is to be renamed “The Jolly Rodgers Club Team Challenge”.  A suggestion has been made to incorporate the event into the Teesside Champs.  This has been tabled to the next Meeting.  If any clubs are interested in hosting the event please contact the County Secretary.

Riverside will be putting on a USB (unsighted bow) competition in 2019.

Archers shooting outside of County are reminded to forward the results to the Records Officer.

Killingworth would like to hand on the batton for running The NCAS Fita Stars competition (Bank Holiday weekend in August).  Should a club not come forward the event is likely to be taken off the calendar in 2019.  The committee would like to pass on our thanks for hosting the event over the years.

There are currently three transgender archers in the county.  As there is no policy in place for juniors and the committee recognize the need for a National Policy, but as the government have not put this in place, there is no guidance for us as a county.  NSPCC/sporting bodies are looking into the matter but can only at this point in time provide guidance and best practice.  Guidance is limited.  The committee would like to think that we would all promote a welcome and open mind to archers in this position and allow them to self identify.

Correspondence received as to whether we could include WI/WII records as we do currently hold VI records.  Where the archer is accredited, TO’s are asked, going forward, to note on the entry forms/results list WI/WII.

Recuve Postal League.  Our thanks to Viv for undertaking the task previously and our thanks to Tony Tate who will take over the organization from Viv.

The provisional calendar for 2019 has been placed on the website.  Should anyone have any amendments, please contact Scott.

The committee would like to congratulate all DNAA archers who were at the National Tour Finals.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 12 November 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.

July 2018

Executive Summary

Minutes of the May 2018 minutes were approved.

Further discussions are being held in relation to the Pentangle and its format/viability going forward.

The Outdoor Novice Championships unfortunately did not go ahead as planned on 21 June.  A replacement club has been sourced (Durham City Archers) and the new date for the event will be 11 August 2018.  The website will be updated with the entry form as soon as it is received however if you are eligible to attend please do so as you only have one opportunity to enter the Novice Champs.

The Jolly Rodgers Club Team Challenge is the new name for the re-vamped Tyne Tees completion.  Should any clubs wish to assist by hosting the event we are looking for volunteers for the third weekend in September.  Please contact secretary.dnaa@gmail.com if you require any further information.

A new award scheme is being put in place.  The “Lambton Worm” has been designed with novices and intermediate archers in mind.  The multi-piece badge will be available only for scores shot at Open Competitions.  Receipt of the badges should take place this month and details of how to earn the Lambton Worm will be posted along with a photograph as soon as they are received.

Mark Robertson is congratulated on his achievement of being chosen to represent GB at the World Archery Field Championships.

The DNAA County Champs went ahead this year as single detail on both days due to football fixtures.  Refunds are to be given to all those who are unable to compete due to the changes.

48 Junior Records were issued following the recent Junior Competition at Killingworth.  Archers.  Congratulations to all those who competed that weekend.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 17 September 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.

AGM May 2018

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the 2017 AGM and March 2018 minutes were approved.

There were very few changes at this year’s AGM.  The Committee remains the same as in 2017 with the exception of Anthony Tate who joins us as Team Manager and will take over from Paul Maddison and Chris Wise.  Our thanks go to Paul and Chris for their hard work with the Team and wish Anthony all the best in his efforts as both Junior and Senior Team Manager.

DNAA Subscription fees for University En Block fees are raised to £30 at the AGM.  All other fees remain as last year.

The Postal League Results are :

Recurve – Division 1 – DCA; Division 2 – Heugh and Division 3 – Priory.  Lady – Victoria Hann; Gent –

Compound – Walker A

Longbow – Riverside

Further discussions are being held in relation to the Pentangle and its format/viability going forward.

Discussions are ongoing in relation to the reformatting of the “Tyne Tees”.  Once re-vamped details will appear on the County Website.

A new award scheme is being put in place.  The “Lambton Worm” has been designed with novices and intermediate archers in mind.  The multi-piece badge will be available only for scores shot at Open Competitions.  Watch the website for updates.

GDPR came into effect as of 25 May 2018.  Club secretaries are advised to put a privacy policy and procedures for holding records into place.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 9 July 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.

March 2018

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the February 2018 minutes were approved.

There are still a few clubs who have not forwarded their constitutions. These should be forwarded as a matter of urgency to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com. Should clubs require assistance with their constitutions please contact the County Secretary.
Club secretaries are asked to look carefully at the AGM paperwork before putting in their votes, Executive Committee members are attending the AGM and are willing to act as proxy. Please contact the County Secretary for further information.
Medals are being purchased for all County Shoots, these will be provided to the tournament organisers on request once purchased.
A volunteer is required to run the Recurve Postal League. Out thanks go to Viv Davies for her hard work and patience in the past.
Safeguarding issues have been raised from the DNAA Novice Champs and also from a club hosting a have a go session.
DNAA Subscription fees for University En Block fees are proposed to be raised to £30 at the AGM.
County shoots. 21 clubs were represented at the recent indoor shoot. Record status has been granted for the outdoor county championships.
GDPR is coming into effect as of 25 May 2018. Please see the minutes, If you do not have a copy of the minutes, please contact your club secretary for further information.

The next meeting will be the AGM and held at Park View Community Association on Monday 21 May 2018 commencing at 7.00 pm.

Nominations are invited for any of the committee positions, please contact secretary.dnaa@gmail.com. All DNAA members are invited to attend.

February 2018

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the January 2018 minutes were approved.

There are still a few clubs who have not forwarded their constitutions.  These should be forwarded as a matter of urgency to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

A sub-committee has been formed to (initially) reformat the Tyne –v- Tees Shoot in September.  A document showing an idea of the proposed format has been circulated to club secretaries with the minutes. They are to discuss this with the novices/intermediate archers in their clubs.

The DNAA Candidate Judge seminar was held in the middle of February.  We are pleased to announce that all five candidates who sat the exam all passed.  We hope to have a few more qualified county judges soon.

The 50th DNAA Indoor County Champs is filling up fast.  The afternoon session is nearly full and the morning session still has a few places.

The organisers of the field shoot are looking into bespoke medals for all of the County Shoots.  We will keep you updated but would like to thank them for all their hard work.

The constitution is to be amended at the AGM if you are interested in finding out what the proposed changes are, please speak to your club secretary.

Changes to the Data Protection Act may affect your club and the information that is held, please check out the Information Commissioners website for further information.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 26 March 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.

January 2018

Minutes of the November 2017 minutes were approved.

There are still a few clubs who have not forwarded their constitutions.  These should be forwarded as a matter of urgency to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

A sub-committee has been formed to (initially) reformat the Tyne –v- Tees Shoot in September.  The aim is to promote the competition to novice/intermediate archers.

The DNAA Candidate Judge seminar is to be held the middle of February.  Good luck to all candidates attending.

Steve Richardson is the new Club Secretary for Northumbria Uni.

Dr Alison Hull is the new Club Secretary for Bowmen of Walker.

YAA have shown an interest in arranging a junior completion between Yorkshire and DNAA.  The coaching team will be speaking to juniors and parents at the next Junior Coaching session.

It is the 50th DNAA Indoor County Champs this year, we look forward to seeing as many of our members there to celebrate this auspicious occasion with us.

Joyce Hawk sadly passed away in October last year, our sympathies go to her friends and family.

Record Status has been obtained for the DNAA County Longbow shoot.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday February 26th 2018 commencin

November 2017

Minutes of the October 2017 minutes were approved.

Constitutions are still required from some clubs (including universities) and these are once again requested.  Clubs are advised that should their constitution be amended in ANY way, a copy should be sent to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.  Those clubs who have not submitted constitutions are :-

  • Ashington
  • Tees Valley
  • Boulby
  • Gateshead SO
  • Durham University
  • Glaxo Archery Club
  • Houghton
  • Northumberland C of E
  • Redcar
  • St Giles
  • Teesside University
  • Tynedale
  • Sunderland University

The competition calendar for the 2018 calendar should now be on the website.

We are still looking for volunteers to be part of a sub-committee to discuss the format of the competition, please contact the County Secretary.

Dragon Archers have decided to disband.

The Regional Coaching Organiser position is now vacant and club secretaries are to advise coaches of the vacancy to see if we have any interest in filling the vacancy.

Archery GB’s AGM is to be held in April.  All clubs are asked to write to define the Agenda and make representation and challenge the reports.

The DNAA County Championships will celebrate its 50th Anniversary this year.  Check out the website for the entry form, there will be something commemorative for each entrant.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 29 January 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.

October 2017

Minutes of the September 2017 minutes were approved.

Constitutions are still required from some clubs (including universities) and these are once again requested.  Clubs are advised that should their constitution be amended in ANY way, a copy should be sent to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

The competition calendar for the 2017/18 calendar has been circulated to all club secretaries.  Could the following information be passed to the secretary:

Date of shoot, club name, round(s) shot and whether you think this is suitable for a novice/intermediate/advanced archer.

The Tyne Tees Competition held in September each year is being looked at, if you would like to be part of a sub-committee to discuss the format of the competition, please contact the County Secretary.

Dates of Birth are required by Archery GB.  We have been in discussions with Archery GB.  They are in the process of building a database of demographics in order to assist with future funding and grants etc which is the reason for the request.  Members can log onto the portal and provide this information if they wish, however it is our understanding that the information is now compulsory.

The Committee would like to pass on its congratulations to Ken Hargreaves of Ponteland Archers who took part in this year’s Invictus Games.  Ken competed in the Novice Category and came 4th.  CONGRATULATIONS Ken.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 27 November 2017 commencing at 7.30 pm.

September 2017

Minutes of the July 2017 minutes were approved.

The DNAA Calendar has been updated.

Constitutions are still required from the majority of clubs (including universities) and these are once again requested.  Clubs are advised that should their constitution be amended in ANY way, a copy should be sent to secretary.dnaa@gmail.com.

The DNAA Field Shoot was resurrected this year and went well, positive feedback has been received and the tournament organisers wish to host the event next year.

Although nearly cancelled due to lack of entries, the DNAA FITA Star Weekend was eventually a success thanks to lots of County and out of County archers entering late in the day.  Club secretaries are asked to promote competitions within clubs and encourage novices/intermediate archers to participate in competitions.  Archers should note that you do not have to shoot your age appropriate round, you can if you wish join the “younger archers” and shoot a different round ………… it may be scary at first but it is fun HONEST, It’s how lots of archers acquired their competition bug.  You may not win a medal but you will make lots of new friends on the competition field and of course improve with experience.  Why not GIVE IT A GO.

The competition calendar for the 2017/18 calendar is being circulated to all club secretaries to pass on to the committee/tournament organiser with a view to the calendar being published next month.  Please bear with us as this will depend on the clubs getting the information to us to approve the calendar at the October meeting.

DNAA are hosting the 5 Counties (Closed) Junior and Senior competition on 30 September and 1 October 2017.  Congratulations to all archers who have been chosen to represent DNAA and good luck to you all.

The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 16 October 2017 commencing at 7.30 pm.

10th July 2017


DNAA presented a full team of archers at the Mid Summer Tournament at Lilleshall at the end of June.  Our Gents Recurve Team came home with a Bronze medal.  We would like to thank all archers who took part for their dedication and commitment over the weekend.  Please remember that DNAA are hosting the NCAS Inter-counties on 30 September (Juniors) and 1 October 2017 (Seniors).  Keep an eye on the website for selection criteria and we hope to see lots of names put forward for the team.

As requested, the County organized accommodation for the archers at Lilleshall for this event.  Unfortunately this will not be the case for future events and we will be reverting back to archers booking their own accommodation going forward.

There are various coaching courses being organized within the County, the website is the best place to look to see what is going on, but please contact the coaching e-mail address (or Ian Norwood County Coaching Officer) for further information.

We are as always looking for candidate judges to join the ranks of our judging team.  If anyone is interested, please contact one of our current candidates or qualified judges who will be more than happy to have a chat.

The next County Meeting will be held at the Park View Community Association at 7.30 pm on Monday 18 September 2017.

AGM 15 May 2017

Park View Community Association

Minutes of the 2016 AGM and March 2017 minutes were approved.

Committee Members are now as follows:-

Charles Hall (Treasurer  and SPOC) Sharon Tideswell (Secretary) Dave Harrison (Chairman)
Andrea Wilson (Records Officer) Chris Wise (Jr Team Manager) Scott Waterson (Webmaster)
Ian Norwood (Coaching Organiser) Steve Richardson (Safeguarding Officer) Yanis Smirnis (Safeguarding Officer)
George McMillan (Membership Secretary) Paul Maddison (Senior Team Manager)

DNAA Membership fees will remain the same in 2017/18.  A position of membership secretary has been created and notification of who to send membership fees/details will follow.

The Outdoor Novice Champs are to be held at Whitburn on 25 June 2017.  Entries are available on Eventbrite.

The Jimmy Melville Memorial Shoot will go ahead on 1 July 2017.


Postal League trophies are awarded as follows:-


Division A – Trophy awarded to Durham City Archers

Division B – Trophy awarded to Newburn Archers

Division C – Trophy awarded to Wear Archers

Individual Ladies –  Trophy awarded to Kay Neil with a score of 563.

Individual Gents – Trophy awarded to Morgan Donaldson with a score of 586


Unfortunately the compound league organizer did not attend the meeting and no results are available.


Trophy awarded to Riverside Archers:  Junior winners are Wear Archers.

DNAA are pleased to announce the new County Team sponsors are Custom Built Archery.