September 2018
Park View Community Association
Minutes of the July 2018 minutes were approved.
Constitutions. Clubs are reminded that should their constitution change at their AGM updated versions should be sent.
“The Lambton Worm”. This has proved popular so far but will come to a stand still over the winter season. Claims are still being taken for the 2018 outdoor season.
The former Tyne Tees competition is to be renamed “The Jolly Rodgers Club Team Challenge”. A suggestion has been made to incorporate the event into the Teesside Champs. This has been tabled to the next Meeting. If any clubs are interested in hosting the event please contact the County Secretary.
Riverside will be putting on a USB (unsighted bow) competition in 2019.
Archers shooting outside of County are reminded to forward the results to the Records Officer.
Killingworth would like to hand on the batton for running The NCAS Fita Stars competition (Bank Holiday weekend in August). Should a club not come forward the event is likely to be taken off the calendar in 2019. The committee would like to pass on our thanks for hosting the event over the years.
There are currently three transgender archers in the county. As there is no policy in place for juniors and the committee recognize the need for a National Policy, but as the government have not put this in place, there is no guidance for us as a county. NSPCC/sporting bodies are looking into the matter but can only at this point in time provide guidance and best practice. Guidance is limited. The committee would like to think that we would all promote a welcome and open mind to archers in this position and allow them to self identify.
Correspondence received as to whether we could include WI/WII records as we do currently hold VI records. Where the archer is accredited, TO’s are asked, going forward, to note on the entry forms/results list WI/WII.
Recuve Postal League. Our thanks to Viv for undertaking the task previously and our thanks to Tony Tate who will take over the organization from Viv.
The provisional calendar for 2019 has been placed on the website. Should anyone have any amendments, please contact Scott.
The committee would like to congratulate all DNAA archers who were at the National Tour Finals.
The next meeting will be held at Park View Community Association on Monday 12 November 2018 commencing at 7.30 pm.