DNAA x Cerebral Palsy Sport

Coaches from DNAA provided an archery taster for people with disabilities and their families at an event run by Cerebral Palsy Sport.
CP Sport took over Gateshead Leisure Centre for the day to give those with disabilities the chance to find out about a number of sports, including archery.
Using soft arrows and set up in a squash court, the archery taster was popular with all ages and abilities and helped to promote archery as an inclusive sport.
Thank you to Catherine Lowden-Brown, Rob Johnson, Dave Potts and Tracey Leverett for supporting this event.


Membership Changes – survey and online meeting

To give as many members as possible the opportunity to discuss and feedback on the changes being made to the way membership is managed there is an online survey which can be completed at https://forms.gle/FQ7XZYpSyEn4U3Z8A
For those who prefer a paper form, you can find one here. My apologies about the number of pages it runs to but it was how Google makes it. If printing, perhaps set it to print 2 pages to a sheet.
There will also be an online Teams meeting to discuss the matter. This is open to all members, and also to non-shooting parents of juniors.
The meeting will be on Monday 19th August at 7.30pm and can be accessed with this link or by using the joining details (Meeting ID and Password).

Meeting ID: 312 093 746 539

Passcode: QAWA5n

Tracey Leverett, Chair

(Note: this is a separate online meeting to the regular County meeting scheduled for 2 September)

Session Coaches Presentation Day

Following months of hard work, Session Coaches from DNAA (6) and Cumbria (1) attended their Presentation day at Riverside Archery Club on Saturday 10th August.
Coach Developer, Ian Norwood, was very pleased to see how all 7 coaches had engaged with the course and was extremely happy to let them know how much of a credit they’ll be to their clubs.