Results now available on Whitburn Archers website here Congrats to the winners! Thanks to all who supported the shoot and to Whitburn Archers for hosting.
Results now available on Whitburn Archers website here Congrats to the winners! Thanks to all who supported the shoot and to Whitburn Archers for hosting.
The results of the 2024 County Indoor Champs are now available here Huge congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone who took part in the shoot. Thanks of course to St Giles for resolving the venue issue and to Killingworth Archers for organisation.
Thanks to Whitburn Archers for hosting the NCAS Indoor Champs 2023. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to everyone who supported the shoot. Full results here
The 2.4K challenge is a LOT of arrows over two days, but when you see the beautiful awards you have to say its worth it! and here are the results – congratulations to everyone who took home a beautiful award!
Thanks to the good folk at Killingworth Archers for hosting – congrats to the winners and thanks to all archers who supported the shoot Results here
Fantastic achievements, congratulations to all and thanks for representing Durham & Northumberland Morgan Donaldson – 2nd place Recurve Men Cameron Donaldson – 4th place Recurve Men Kevin Duncanson – 2nd place Compound Men Dillon Crow – 3rd place Compound Men John Hunton – 5th place Longbow Men Rob Say – 5th place Barebow Men Brett…
Thanks again to hosts Green Lane Archers. TO Trev reports weather was mainly dry both days however the seniors had to contest a stiff WSW wind on the Sunday. The Juniors had a noticeable buzz from beginning to end. Great to hear everyone enjoyed themselves, thanks for taking part and congrats to all the winners…
The day started off sunny and hot, but the late afternoon brought apocalyptic thunder, lightning and monsoons. The shoot was accordingly abandoned half way through, given the risk of drowning / being struck by lightning. But as one complete clout had been shot awards were given. Wonder what the 50th will bring?? ‘results’ (scores were…
Accompanied by one of the best summaries ever, from Karen: “Great weekend until the thunderstorm arrived during the awards. You could say I threw the Judge’s gifts at them as the archers all screamed and scattered ” Those storms were something else, congrats to all who competed and supported this shoot, and thanks to Norton…
A historic weekend for DNAA as we submitted County teams for the first time in years – Barebow and Recurve (both days) and Longbow (Sunday only). Our County Longbow team won the trophy on Sunday, our first county team win since 2006!! Whitburn Archers were the winning Club Recurve Team both days! (Abby Thornton, Shaun…