Covid 19 has brought some unprecedented and trying times to all of us.  We would like to congratulate clubs who have managed to eventually open, even if the majority of the membership are only just returning now lockdown has been lifted.  We must all be aware of our membership’s mindfulness and be mindful that some of our members may have decided to continue to self isolate (for their own reasons) and the use of the track and trace app may require compulsory self isolation; some of our members are working in areas of high risk and are therefore thinking of others by not returning to the range to avoid contact.  

It has been a trying time for all of our volunteering community and those in committee roles in one form or another (including ourselves) who endeavour to pass information on as speedily as possible and deal with criticism from those who don’t agree with the rules or decisions made on the behalf of the whole membership.  

Committee meetings were banned due to the government lockdown rules but we are pleased to announce that these meetings will recommence on 7 October 2021.

The DNAA Executive Committee have tried their best over the last 18 months to keep you up to date and filter information through to you, but unfortunately as always “we cannot please all of our members all of the time”.

The DNAA Social Media posts in connection with the 5 Counties shoot seem to be providing a number of opinions.  It is unfortunate that once again the Committee are facing backlash on decisions that have been made recently – we are trying to accommodate all of your requests but please remember these volunteers are valued volunteers but still receive a lot of criticism for their decisions.   

All of the DNAA Committee Positions, just like club positions are open at each AGM, it is up to the incumbent should they wish to stand the following year and those who wish to take the role to put their names forward.  Some of our committee members are in their current positions as no one has stepped forward to carry out the role, they may welcome a nomination for their post.  

The next AGM will be on THURSDAY 7 October 2021 at Park View School, North Lodge, Lombard Drive, Chester-le-Street, DH3 4BB commencing at 6.30 pm prompt and we would welcome volunteers for the following roles:



Honorary Secretary

Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Records Officer

Honorary Coaching Organiser  (must be a qualified coach)


Junior Team Manager

Senior Team Manager

Welfare Officer

Deputy Welfare Officer- there is no present post holder

Single Point of Contact (must be a qualified judge)

Membership Secretary

A copy of brief details of roles and duties can be provided on request and of course our current incumbents would be more than willing to discuss the roles they hold with any interested parties.  Please e-mail secretary.dnaa@gmail.com

We hope to see as many of you as possible at the AGM.


The DNAA Executive